Aasav Harania

When it comes to renewable energy in Central Florida, also has been a familiar face close to a decade. We at 15 lightyears could not have been more honored to have him join our team almost 2 years ago. The save is not only a great dresser, but he is also a big deal in the world of renewable energy. In fact, many of the solar projects you see in Orlando he has been a part of it. To brag a bit about him, I emailed him over a few questions that you can check out below.

1. When did you start working for 15 lightyears?

July 2019, however been working with 15LY even before that on different projects.

2. What is your title and what is it that you do?

Clean Energy Engineer

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a. I design PV and BEES systems for both commercial and residential system.

b. Consult with Architect, Engineer, Builders and Contractors in the design, certification, and engineering process to build solar + Storage ready buildings

c. Work on all proposals, bid work and systems pricing

d. Quality check on site survey and provide system commissioning guidance 

3. What has been the most rewarding experience so for?

The growth, learning experience and exposure of different aspects of the solar and energy industry has been a tremendously reward. While working on some very cool projects. 

4. What’s your favorite movie?

I am a big Marvels fan don’t necessarily have a favorite movie. (I’m not trying to start anything but I have seen him in the office wearing a Steel Magnolias T-shirt.)

5. What’s your favorite book?

“The monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin Sharma

6. What’s your guilty pleasure?

Ice-Cream. (I just want to point out that when he email this back, this was the only word in bold).

7. If you pulled up Spotify what was the last song played?

Some Say by Nea, Felix Jaehn Remix 

8. What are you hoping to see with our climate in the next 10 years

I would like to see much more proactive action where people, States, Countries and Organizations have set their action goals and are way on their way to achieving Climate action. 
The Next decade in very crucial time for how we pick our path for Climate action. It’s not just because the impacts of rising temperatures – from server storms to surging seas – are already apparent. It’s also because limiting future damage requires bold moves to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions today.

Changing people characteristics is an extremely hard task but as we have just seen with the pandemic, people had to sift the way they do things over hundreds of years in just a few days. I believe if we all come together as one this is a very attainable achievement. We already have great climate targets such the 2015 Paris Climate accord and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We now need people to accept the reality and severity of climate change and start changing the way we do things.


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Founder and CEO

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