The Benefits of Solar Panels for Schools

As climate change continues to worsen, homeowners and businesses nationwide are turning to solar photovoltaic (PV) technology to achieve net-zero energy status for their properties – all while saving money on their utility bills.

However, this trend isn’t limited to the residential and commercial sectors.

Schools across the country are also embracing solar power as a strategy to increase their financial and environmental savings. In addition to these direct benefits, many of these clean energy investments are also generating long-term dividends for students specifically – and surrounding communities in general.

This article explores why more educational institutions are going solar. It also explains how your own school can join this growing movement and start reaping similar benefits (without breaking the bank).


How Does Solar Power Benefit Schools?

The most obvious advantage of going solar is that you can save money on your monthly utility bills. With PV panels installed on your school, you’re able to generate your own clean electricity on-site without relying as heavily on expensive grid electricity. These savings automatically start the moment your PV system comes online. And they accumulate over time – eventually exceeding the upfront cost of installing your solar panels

In effect, solar is a proven technology that pays for itself. 

Better still, as utility rates keep trending upwards, your PV panels shield you from these future price hikes – leading to even larger savings and a shorter overall payback period. As such, solar power is a wise investment for any school or district looking to control costs – especially in the long term. Utility rates keep going up. But sunshine remains the same price forever (i.e. free).

Then there are also environmental savings as well.

Grid electricity is normally generated from fossil fuel, which releases CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions that continue to alter the planet’s climate. Case in point is the summer heat wave of 2022, which likely represents the “new normal” moving forward. 

By contrast, solar PV technology doesn’t pollute. Instead, it silently turns clean sunshine into free electricity without emitting any greenhouse gases. And because schools are often energy-hungry facilities, powering more of your operations with solar energy is an easy and affordable way to shrink your carbon footprint.

However, there are also benefits for your students as well.

How Does Solar at Schools Help Students?

Below are just some of the ways in which installing solar PV panels on your school leaves your entire student body better off.

1. Solar As a Tool to Teach Sustainability

Children will one day inherit the Earth. And it’s important they learn about and appreciate the importance of environmental stewardship from an early age. Solar is a fantastic way to educate the next generation about protecting the planet.

2. Solar As a Source of Emergency Daytime Power

Grid outages will become more common as climate change worsens. With the right type of inverter, however, solar PV technology provides reliable daytime power – even if the rest of the utility grid goes down. This emergency backup power allows you to continue classes without disruption. And if coupled with an on-site battery energy storage solution (BESS), your school’s solar installation can also provide reliable nighttime power as well.

3. Solar As an Investment That Frees up Resources

The money saved by going solar can be redirected back into the school, whether this means financing new books, computers, teacher training, or scholarship programs. The end result is a better overall education for all of your students.

4. Solar As Shaded Canopies and Carports for Gatherings

Although most privately owned PV systems are installed on rooftops, solar panels can also be installed as canopied walkways, awnings, or carports to provide both clean energy and shade.

At 15 Lightyears, we used this very strategy when helping NeoCity Academy become Florida’s first net-zero energy school. We installed Lumos Solar’s LSX Module Systems to create both:

  • Solar canopies for the school’s food trucks and outdoor seating areas

  • Solar-covered walkways leading to and from the school’s main buildings


How Does Solar at My School Benefit My Community?

Your PV system might be installed on school grounds, but everyone in the surrounding area is better off as a result of your clean energy investment.

And here’s why.

You’re using the same amount of energy as before. But instead of electrons generated from fossil fuel combustion, you’re powering your school’s operations with sunshine. The upshot of these unique solar projects is cleaner air and water for the whole community. In fact, the entire planet benefits every time another school around the globe goes solar.

The question is – how do you pay for your own school’s PV system? Learn more about how schools finance solar in this article.